I kicked over some leaves and found this milky.
This An American Ceasers Mushroom
Boletes are my main interest because They don't have gills.
Instead of gills they have sponge like pores, very distinctive, which is crucial for identification. There are few poisonous look a likes for boletes so I feel more confident eating them. Although this one isn't very appetizing, I like Boletes as much as sponge mushrooms, although they are very different. Boletes don't ordinarily come up till the second week in August here, after a good rain of course. My rule is harvest if only sure of it's identity, and only take enough for a side dish, and this is true for any wild edible.
This one has a number of look a likes, the bulb at the base is a bad sign.
Here's a Cokers Amanita with a couple of small milkies in back.
Don't know what these are but they look so cute. And by the way, how does your hedge apple grow??????????
Like this! real close to the stem. Don't be under one of these trees when they let lose.
They say you can't take it with you when you die. Is that true with memories? I wonder--- and sometimes I think that mushrooms come up only for me to see.