Well, if you don't believe I like Ariseamas just look at my profile picture, that one happens to be Ariseama Fargessii. So it's no wonder I delight in seeing one of our very own (indiginous to this area), Ariseama Trifolia. This one towers above the May Apples to get an idea of the size. A three for one ornamental in that it has huge beautiful tropical looking leaves (of Hosta quality), a one of a kind florescence (Arum Lilly like), that turns to a spike of bright red berries in the fall. Wow! Need I say more? And I was happy with that, knowing I've been a woodsman all my life, and never seeing any other species here in Indiana, to my suprise was just a few feet away, another Ariseama looking leaf.

I had to look it up when I got home, but its an Ariseama Dracontium ( Green Dragon). The spathe on this flower is like a long rat tail shooting up in the air. Apparently, I'm the only one who gets excited about this sort of thing, and it's no wonder why I'm constantly recharging my cell phone lol. The thing is that we have some very nice fill ins for a shady area if you care to go native ( Jack-in-the-pulpit, May Apple, Solomon seal). Be sure to plant nursery grown plants.
http://www.hcp4.net/mercer/inbloom/images/sept2003/arisaemaDracontium.lg.jpg is where I got this photo.