It is possible, for little of nothing, to get something large and worth having, just by planting a seed. Take this hollyhock, the seed swiped from a spent plant downtown and literally stuck in the dirt and sprouted last year, blooming this year, and now nearly 10ft tall.
I could have sworn that the color of flower I got the seed from was white.
The seed pod to this Datura Inoxia had well ovr 100 seeds in it. Started them march indoors. Set them outside after they germinated, then the squirrels dug up all but one plant, and here it is;
The Dollar Store carried seed from The American Seed Co. for$.33 a packet. I started some zucchinni and tomatoes in march.
The hybrid of tomato was called "Delicious" and they're not doing too bad.
Stuck them right in with the chrysanthemums.
On a different note, here's what I have in bloom as far as orchids is concerned.
Bought this as a lost tag plant, so my best guess is P. Primulinum x P. Philippinense.nice display of caladiums;" Miss Muffit"
Leeks going to seed;